In this project, our challenge was to enhance FNAC's Click & Collect experience to increase web orders through an improved payment funnel and redesigned store pages


In this project, our challenge was to enhance FNAC's Click & Collect experience to increase web orders through an improved payment funnel and redesigned store pages


In this project, our challenge was to enhance FNAC's Click & Collect experience to increase web orders through an improved payment funnel and redesigned store pages


Web redesign


Joana Silva, Melanie Dick


UX/UI Designer




15 days







Elevate the Click & Collect process to account for over 50% of web orders, improving accessibility and user interaction on mobile devices.

Elevate the Click & Collect process to account for over 50% of web orders, improving accessibility and user interaction on mobile devices.

Elevate the Click & Collect process to account for over 50% of web orders, improving accessibility and user interaction on mobile devices.


Research methodology

To gain a comprehensive understanding, we employed a mixed-methods research approach:

  • Surveys to quantify user motivations and barriers.

  • In-depth Interviews to explore user preferences and experiences in detail.

  • Task User Testing to identify usability issues and user pain points.

  • Desirability Testing to evaluate visual appeal and information layout.


Research methodology

To gain a comprehensive understanding, we employed a mixed-methods research approach:

  • Surveys to quantify user motivations and barriers.

  • In-depth Interviews to explore user preferences and experiences in detail.

  • Task User Testing to identify usability issues and user pain points.

  • Desirability Testing to evaluate visual appeal and information layout.


Research methodology

To gain a comprehensive understanding, we employed a mixed-methods research approach:

  • Surveys to quantify user motivations and barriers.

  • In-depth Interviews to explore user preferences and experiences in detail.

  • Task User Testing to identify usability issues and user pain points.

  • Desirability Testing to evaluate visual appeal and information layout.


Key findings

Insights into Fnac's Click & Collect : cost savings, accessibility and user frustrations


Key findings

Insights into Fnac's Click & Collect : cost savings, accessibility and user frustrations


Key findings

Insights into Fnac's Click & Collect : cost savings, accessibility and user frustrations

User motivations : Cost and convenience

User motivations : Cost and convenience

User motivations : Cost and convenience

Store selection criteria

Store selection criteria

Store selection criteria

Pain points

Pain points

Pain points

  • frustration with mandatory sign-ins disrupting the flow;

  • Information overload.

  • frustration with mandatory sign-ins disrupting the flow;

  • Information overload.

  • frustration with mandatory sign-ins disrupting the flow;

  • Information overload.

Desirability concerns

Desirability concerns

Desirability concerns

50% of users used the word “overwehlming” and 29% the word “boring” to describe the look of the current store page.



  • Streamlined navigation: we introduced a 'Continue as a guest' option to simplify the purchase process.

  • Enhanced information accessibility: we redesigned the product and store pages for clearer information presentation:

    • we added a selector for delivery methods to improve visibility.

    • we implemented a travel time calculation feature that suggests the nearest store based on the user’s location and provides estimated travel times.



  • Streamlined navigation: we introduced a 'Continue as a guest' option to simplify the purchase process.

  • Enhanced information accessibility: we redesigned the product and store pages for clearer information presentation:

    • we added a selector for delivery methods to improve visibility.

    • we implemented a travel time calculation feature that suggests the nearest store based on the user’s location and provides estimated travel times.



  • Streamlined navigation: we introduced a 'Continue as a guest' option to simplify the purchase process.

  • Enhanced information accessibility: we redesigned the product and store pages for clearer information presentation:

    • we added a selector for delivery methods to improve visibility.

    • we implemented a travel time calculation feature that suggests the nearest store based on the user’s location and provides estimated travel times.


Final result

Main solutions to improve the Click & Collect experience


Final result

Main solutions to improve the Click & Collect experience


Final result

Main solutions to improve the Click & Collect experience

Product page information layout

To better meet user needs for clarity and FNAC’s desire to promote Click & Collect, we reorganized the product page. User feedback during mid-fi testing confirmed that these adjustments enhanced the appeal and understanding of the Click & Collect option.

Product page information layout

To better meet user needs for clarity and FNAC’s desire to promote Click & Collect, we reorganized the product page. User feedback during mid-fi testing confirmed that these adjustments enhanced the appeal and understanding of the Click & Collect option.

Product page information layout

To better meet user needs for clarity and FNAC’s desire to promote Click & Collect, we reorganized the product page. User feedback during mid-fi testing confirmed that these adjustments enhanced the appeal and understanding of the Click & Collect option.

Delivery method page

Originally combined, the delivery and payment method options were separated into two distinct pages to simplify user decisions and reduce information overload. Tabs were introduced to navigate between delivery options, with Click & Collect set as the default choice.

A pivotal addition was the travel time calculation feature, which automatically locates users, selects the nearest store, and displays travel times for various transportation modes.

Delivery method page

Originally combined, the delivery and payment method options were separated into two distinct pages to simplify user decisions and reduce information overload. Tabs were introduced to navigate between delivery options, with Click & Collect set as the default choice.

A pivotal addition was the travel time calculation feature, which automatically locates users, selects the nearest store, and displays travel times for various transportation modes.

Delivery method page

Originally combined, the delivery and payment method options were separated into two distinct pages to simplify user decisions and reduce information overload. Tabs were introduced to navigate between delivery options, with Click & Collect set as the default choice.

A pivotal addition was the travel time calculation feature, which automatically locates users, selects the nearest store, and displays travel times for various transportation modes.

Store selection ehancements

We enhanced the store selection interface with engaging visuals and a more user-friendly layout. Based on user feedback, we added a prominent map view button and resolved previous issues with map navigation. Users can now easily mark a store as a favorite, enhancing the personalization of their shopping experience.

Store selection ehancements

We enhanced the store selection interface with engaging visuals and a more user-friendly layout. Based on user feedback, we added a prominent map view button and resolved previous issues with map navigation. Users can now easily mark a store as a favorite, enhancing the personalization of their shopping experience.

Store selection ehancements

We enhanced the store selection interface with engaging visuals and a more user-friendly layout. Based on user feedback, we added a prominent map view button and resolved previous issues with map navigation. Users can now easily mark a store as a favorite, enhancing the personalization of their shopping experience.

Facilities and services filters

Reflecting our research insights we introduced a filter system allowing users to personalize their store choice.

Facilities and services filters

Reflecting our research insights we introduced a filter system allowing users to personalize their store choice.

Facilities and services filters

Reflecting our research insights we introduced a filter system allowing users to personalize their store choice.

Revamped Store page

Revamped Store page

Revamped Store page


Key learnings

After a busy 15-day sprint, our team presented a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), to FNAC's stakeholders. This MVP, developed quickly to show our basic ideas, still needs more work and testing to fully meet the needs of both users and the business. FNAC will now review our work to decide which parts to improve and expand on.

We faced several challenges, especially in keeping our focus on the payment process while considering different products that might have unique rules. Also, working with an international group brought challenges related to different laws in each country, which affected what information we had to show to customers.

Despite these challenges, the project was a great learning opportunity. The ongoing changes to the website taught us how to quickly adapt to new situations.

I'm very thankful for the chance to have work on this project with FNAC-DARTY. Special thanks to Valentin Faget, the UX Designer at FNAC DARTY, for guiding us through this project. Also, a big thank you to my teammates, Joanna Silva and Melanie Dick, for their hard work and dedication.


Key learnings

After a busy 15-day sprint, our team presented a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), to FNAC's stakeholders. This MVP, developed quickly to show our basic ideas, still needs more work and testing to fully meet the needs of both users and the business. FNAC will now review our work to decide which parts to improve and expand on.

We faced several challenges, especially in keeping our focus on the payment process while considering different products that might have unique rules. Also, working with an international group brought challenges related to different laws in each country, which affected what information we had to show to customers.

Despite these challenges, the project was a great learning opportunity. The ongoing changes to the website taught us how to quickly adapt to new situations.

I'm very thankful for the chance to have work on this project with FNAC-DARTY. Special thanks to Valentin Faget, the UX Designer at FNAC DARTY, for guiding us through this project. Also, a big thank you to my teammates, Joanna Silva and Melanie Dick, for their hard work and dedication.


Key learnings

After a busy 15-day sprint, our team presented a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), to FNAC's stakeholders. This MVP, developed quickly to show our basic ideas, still needs more work and testing to fully meet the needs of both users and the business. FNAC will now review our work to decide which parts to improve and expand on.

We faced several challenges, especially in keeping our focus on the payment process while considering different products that might have unique rules. Also, working with an international group brought challenges related to different laws in each country, which affected what information we had to show to customers.

Despite these challenges, the project was a great learning opportunity. The ongoing changes to the website taught us how to quickly adapt to new situations.

I'm very thankful for the chance to have work on this project with FNAC-DARTY. Special thanks to Valentin Faget, the UX Designer at FNAC DARTY, for guiding us through this project. Also, a big thank you to my teammates, Joanna Silva and Melanie Dick, for their hard work and dedication.